Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A slice of life

This morning's moon is barely there. In its yellow-orange cradle, the old moon can be faintly seen. As the young moon carries the old moon upwards towards the sky, it will all but disappear when the sun rises. It's as stunning in its own right as the full moon was last month.
The owls are out this morning and its warm. The garden has only a few carrots left and a bed for the garlic that should be arriving soon.
It's a beautiful fall day. Too beautiful to think about winter. We are anticipating a nice sheet of ice on our canal. The Missouri River is very high, higher than its been for years.
Last night I read about how with climate change, we should be thinking about the Joseph principal. For those of you who don't know, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers after telling them a dream or two about how they were going to bow down to him. Oh you may better remember Joseph as having a technicolor coat. It was a gift from his father, one more reason for his brothers to despise him.
Potiphar's bought Joseph and really liked the work he did until his wife lied about Joseph to her husband, so Potiphar had Joseph put into jail.
While in jail, Joseph interpreted a couple of dreams and word got around. So, when the Pharaoh had a dream about seven skinny cows coming out of the nile and eating the seven fat cows he called on Joseph to interpret.
In the end, Joseph suggested to the Pharaoh that he store up grain from his seven good years to stave off the upcoming seven years of famine. Joseph saved a lot of butts with that particular interpretation.
With the way the weather has been of late and the could continue to drastically change, there are those who would recommend the same type of approach. We are in seven years of rain and it has produced abundance - but it may not last. Okay, so my theory is seven years of rain and then seven years of drought. We all remember what that was like.
And so it's always good advice to put things away to be prepared, like Boy Scouts and good Germans.
I only think about this because my freezer is full of wonderful food gathered all summer long and it tickles my heart to see it - I can't wait to eat the fruits of this summer in the dead of winter. But that's a long way off...

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