Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Martha wants you to decorate for Halloween

It used to be that Halloween was my favorite holiday. That's right. You got up in the morning, you said, "Oh, it's Halloween." Then you decided what you were going to make for costumes, you carved your best pumpkin with triangles for eyes and a toothless half-moon smile, you went to Kmart and bought some treats and got ready for the youngsters to show up.
Now, Martha has been sending out emails all month with some fabulous ideas for a happier holiday. Today's email was about decorating your home for Halloween. One day? Who has time for that? Besides, I overheard one of my children say that we never had to decorate for Halloween when we lived in our house in Mandan, "there were always cobwebs on the chandeliers." Not funny Adam.
Okay, I admit, I loved to sew. So I sewed Halloween costumes with crocheted accessories. We had fun. I think I have a photo of Claire as a tiny baby with a huge pumpkin costume... hmmm. That wasn't funny either.
There was a year when Adam did not have a costume planned. So about dusk we hunted the house top to bottom for an idea for a costume. In the end, we opened a 25 pound bag of cat food at the wrong end. We then cut holes for his head and arms and ta da... a bag of cat food equipped with a pail for treats. It was genius.
Only one guy made a comment about his costume and he said it with a laugh in his voice. All's well that ends well. Perhaps tomorrow morning I will post a story about my first Halloween in Gackle. It was a life changing event. Until then. Save those Snickers. I have a wonderful candy bar cookie recipe, but alas I have to buy my own Snickers because I have no more children to snitch them from and I do not have any trick-or-treaters way out here...

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