Sunday, September 26, 2010

If you still have tomatoes

When I canned the last of my tomatoes, I taped the process to show just how simple it is to save the fruits of summer. NOW, remember this only works with tomatoes. There are rules about canning other vegetables; but we use tomatoes in nearly everything we cook from chili to stew. We also eat a lot of salsa in the winter months. Of course, I froze a bunch of spaghetti sauce and canned a bunch of salsa, even our green mean stuff that is so popular. I did an Egg plant Parmesan video, but it is too long for You Tube so I may have to edit it down...

Today, we will be working on cleaning out the community garden. The carrot soup was awesome and next up a roast with carrots and potatoes... and then some squash soup... enjoy the sunshine.

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