Here’s hoping the chilly weather warms so the recent rain won’t freeze my carrots into the ground for good. That would be bad. We have enjoyed many fresh carrots this year. I decided rather than wait until after the frost to eat any at all, I would begin eating carrots as soon as they looked large enough to grab.
They have been delightful. This year’s variety was long and slender although there were a few fatties in the bunch. Nonetheless, the flavor was delightful. And, in case you have never had the pleasure of eating fresh carrots, turnips or potatoes, what does it say about a vegetable that you do not need to peel before you eat it.
That’s correct. You need only to brush the dirt off a homegrown carrot or potato to enjoy it. There is no tough outer skin to peel in the first place. That means the potatoes in the store are bred to be the Arnold Swartzenegger of the vegetable kingdom… wow.
I’m not interested in super veggies at all unless they are super tasting, super easy to clean and super easy to eat fresh. Does it matter to humans that they aren’t all the same size or length? Heck no. It matters only to machines that peel and cut and slice and dice those babies.
And, speaking of babies, the baby carrots you find in the store are not baby carrots, they are large carrots that have been shaped and then dipped in chlorine water. If you don’t believe that then ask yourself this. “Why do those veggie tray carrots turn white after being in the air for any length of time?”
So, there you have it. This weekend is dig and freeze carrots work weekend. Yes, it’s not okay for Mother Nature to freeze my carrots into the ground. It is okay for my spouse, this was his idea he thought the carrots were so flavorful, to assist me with the delicate operation of cleaning, blanching and freezing carrots. YUMMMMMMY.
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