Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Wow, the end of the month already and here we are ... no snow? I'm puzzled a bit because it's hard to get in the spirit of things without some kind of winter weather. It's gray out today, but didn't rain or snow last night like predicted.
So how thankful are you this year? I actually feel somewhat guilty when I hear stories of unemployment and food pantry lines getting longer and longer. We are so very fortunate to live in a state where folks are responsible and sensible with money matters. We also still like to work, or at least we realize we need jobs to keep providing for our families. In my current job I have had the pleasure of meeting many new friends over the past year and we all like vegetables, gardening, cooking and canning.
I'm grateful for that.
I'm also thankful that our family is safe and in good health. I'm praying for a good next year as there are always many changes on the horizon.
Give thanks, be happy...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue,
    Pardon me from contacting you this way since you don't know me, but I couldn't figure out any other way. I thought you might want to take a look at this link:

    My apologies if they had permission to sell your pattern or if it is you.
