Thursday, April 23, 2009


We just got back from the last Cinema 100 movie called The Snowwalker, and appropriately the forecast is for snow. I'm thinking it will be a wonderful thing if it does. Can you imagine the snow on the pasque flowers? Great photo opp tomorrow morning. I will be heading for Fargo for a 30-minute presentation and then back again. I will miss the Mandan Art Show opening, but will be there working on Saturday. 
The last of my plants came from Gurneys today. Pampas and Zebra grass. I cannot wait to plant. We are planning on building two four-foot by 20-foot beds and covering them with a hoop house of sorts to keep the deer out. Ha. I realize there are rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, turkeys, pheasants, and who know what else we will need to keep away from our veggies.
And, by the way, Mother Earth News contacted me about my pasque photos - they are considering one of four photos for their next magazine... so exciting.... 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!! Safe driving today! Maybe I'll see you tomorrow at the show, but will you be there Sunday for the quick draw? Long story, but Sam got some art in there by the skin of his teeth!
