Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chokecherry Honey Cookies

I brought a bottle of chokecherry flavored honey home from work last week. We liked it, except I had this idea. Why not chokecherry honey cookies... and guess what. They turned out to be the most beautiful little cookies I have ever baked. And, to top it all off, I created a butter creme frosting recipe flavored with chokecherry jelly from one of my many aunts. That was an even better discovery. However, I'm thinking its really time to begin gardening so I can quit baking... and start eating fresh veggies. I have some tiny tomato plants and basil looking good. I am going to start some pepper seedlings however late I may be. We are working on plans for some raised beds and the wash line, but got side tracked with today's rain. Oh well, it was a nice relaxing day.

I'm also posting a photo of a tiny pasque carrying snow away from his home on the hill. It snowed on Friday. On the way to the office I skirted up the hill, literally, and shot a few fast photos, I wish I had taken the time to do more, they were awesome....

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful! Will there be any of those cookies left for the ride down to McG. on Sunday??? :)
