Monday, April 20, 2009

It's finally here

Spring has finally arrived. The pasque are popping up all over the cow pastures near our house. They are deep purple by comparison this year. I attribute that to the additional moisture on the hillside. Perhaps, it was the cow dung. Pasque flowers are said to grow well were cows have trod. I hung the laundry outdoors on Sunday. There is nothing in the world that gives me greater joy than fighting with the prairie winds as they attempt to lift the sheets high into the air, beyond my reach. Folded into the flapping yards of flannel makes me giggle. JC helped me redo the clothes pin bag. I sewed a bright green and red thrift store find into a new bag. He had to help me get the contraption together in the right order so it hung open. That's why I am not an engineer... I guess.
This morning, my washcloth, my towel - they smelled of wind and sunshine. Wonderful.

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