Thursday, February 19, 2009

We ate the bread

This is how the final loaves appeared, out of the oven - fresh and hot.

Of course, we ate four little loaves at work, and at least two at home already. In my opinion, the best part of being the baker is that first crust hot and tasty from the oven. It is the privilege of the person who creates the loaves to have the first taste. Of course, that makes eating day old bread a drag. There's nothing that tastes as wonderful as fresh baked bread, or kuchen. But, the cookies I made, an old recipe from my mom and probably from her mom, were actually better after a day or two. They were an oatmeal cookie with a jam thumbprint in the middle. I used my plum jam from the very first crop of plums we were able to salvage. By that I mean the deer or someone else has always beat us to the plums. But not this year, we were watching.
About that photo to the far right. That's my art project, due before May 1. I haven't started yet, but am gearing up to do it this weekend. I will post progressive photos, unless of course I can figure out how to edit my videos... in which case, I will post videos of my progress. Whew. That's enough words to make up for the lapse in posts this week.
Eat well...


  1. What is the story behind the Child art project due?

  2. The Manchester House in Bismarck is celebrating 20 years. So... eight artists are doing eight statues for auction later this spring. They will be on display at BAGA beginning May 1 or so. The eight children represent the eight beds at the Manchester House.... I sure hope I mine turns out the way I envision it....
