Monday, August 3, 2009

Fast Food Nation

How weird to be coming home from meeting the "chicken man" to find that the movie on IFC tonight is Fast Food Nation.
It's not a pleasant movie, but if it's true, I will perhaps never eat at a fast food restaurant again, at least not a hamburger patty.
As far as the chickens, boy am I fortunate that I was able to order birds from Ben Dagley. They are about 5 pounds each and are extraordinarily beautiful, just beautiful. I do not remember ever in my adult life receiving a chicken that woke up in the morning and ended up in my freezer by dusk.
I'm sorry we are working so much this week so I cannot take the time to cook up a fresh bird, but I'm sure they will be tasty, tasty, tasty.... I do have photograph of my new love. I am starting classes again on Aug. 24. We are celebrating Danny's birthday on Sunday and that means an Ohh Claire's Speciality Cakery cake. Can't wait.
I guess we could be having chicken on Sunday, and of course veggies from the garden -- potatoes, zucchini, fresh garlic from Marv Baker, onions, cucumbers, and more. I'll keep you posted. I read that Kale becomes sweeter after the frost, so I will be looking forward to more experimenting with that.

1 comment:

  1. Fresh produce is one of the most beautiful pictures! Looks good enough to eat! Think I'll get off this computer and go look at my garden!
