Sunday, June 7, 2009

More birds

Indeed it is cold today and the low this evening may be 36 degrees. That's nearly freezing. My poor garden, while it has ample water, now it needs the sun and a bit of warmth to grow.
In the meantime, I am working ah
ead on my school work so I can enjoy our two-day vacation next weekend attending an REC annual meeting at Lake Metigoshe. I have never been there and look forward to it and the photo opportunities that will follow. It will be awesome to get away from the office. I have gained so much weight sitting in the Capitol all day instead of walking around Mandan collecting news that well... it has to get nice soon so we can spend some time outdoors again.
Here are two photos by J.C. of a Grosbeak and a Lazuli Bunting. Wow... very cool.

1 comment:

  1. I love these photos - And you'll enjoy Lake Metigoshe - it's really beautiful and probably even nicer that it's getting a bit warmer - well, not really, but later in the year anyway!!! But the ticks are out, so beware!!!
