Saturday, June 6, 2009


That is correct. It snowed today. Of course it was not much snow, a few flakes mixed with a very cold rain, but come on, it's June 6.
I have planted both my gardens and planted the peppers at home twice because they looked pretty shell shocked after the cold mornings last week.
On Monday, we are going to bless the community garden. I do hope it was not too late.
A few seeds have poked through the surface of the beds and the onions and potatoes are looking great, but boy those warm weather crops will never produce at this rate. It is also buggies and blues weekend and my daughter's anniversary. It's their first and I pray it is a wonderful one. I cannot imagine what would have happened to the outdoor wedding last year at this time with this weather.
If you do not hear from me so often in the next five weeks, I am taking two classes at DSU and have tons of work to do... but after that - Look Out.

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