Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tommy Toes

I'm so proud of my little tomato seedlings. I have many many basil already sprouting too. This morning I dug around my flower beds. The soil has improved greatly from last year and many of the plants are coming back strong. We will be building a bed around the house eventually, but in the meantime, we must keep those lovelies alive.

My wash line is not yet set because of the rain last Sunday, but perhaps today we can at least do that project. Next on the list are two raised beds with hoop houses over the top. Mostly to keep out the deer which have damaged our fruit trees with their sprouting antlers. Here are some more photos of the pasque. They have lasted a long time with the snow fall a week ago and cool temperatures. I just need to get some in the morning light... so I have a well-rounded new file of flower photos... hmmmm. Just an excuse to get outside. It's not the most pleasant day, but nicer than its been for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are enjoying the day outside, beautiful pictures. Vern and I were in Bis today we didn't get dindin until 1:30 PM and then came home. Worked at Camp yesterday not nice then either, but cleaned the inside of the chapel. Hopefully Vern will get off this night shift and we can get some things done around here outside and some I will have to do by myself which is OK. Have a great day. Joanie
