Friday, April 3, 2009

Big Sky

Well, this is the third weekend in a row I have been staying at a hotel instead of my own home. My friend Elizabeth has little seedlings all over her house, mine are still in the packages... Of course, I did prepare the little seed pots. So, when I get back I'm ready to roll. Easter's coming and I feel like I have missed most of Lent. I have not prepared baskets for the children or baked kuchen, which is pretty much a tradition in my house this time of year.
We are still on flood watch. Praying for cold temperatures so the snow won't melt so fast. The ice jam continues to be a potential problem near hour house across the river from Double Ditch.
It's snowing today in Big Sky. I have never seen so much snow here in all the years I have been skiing. It doesn't appear the sun will be out today, but we will be skiing anyway, cause they got about two inches of snow last night and maybe more today. Hope you are all safe. Can't wait to come home and keep house, cook, plant and knit. I found a new yarn shop in Bozeman... yippeeeeee.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but you're on vacation! There's still plenty of time yet for those plants. Enjoy!
