Thursday, June 9, 2011

To sleep perchance to dream

Sleep is flooded with dreams of water. Seeing photos of houses surrounded with water and imagining the damage puts an unseen pressure on your rest. It doesn't matter who owns the house, there's lots of them out there waiting for water. It's on the rise. The last photo I saw of Lola's flower bed made me think the bulbs will not survive being under water for three months. As you know, after three months, winter sets in. There may be a lot of ice skating opportunities...
Of course, that's a long way off, for now we must get through each day. We have good days and we have bad days... a glimpse of hope or the remote possibility that this isn't really happening, but I'm afraid it is.
I'm determined to keep an eye on my garlic patch. I may have to wade over to it, but I'm thinking with a raised bed it just might not be covered with water. Not that I have a kitchen to cook with or a place to store it, but I could have a fund raiser for flood relief - or a new house. My community garden plot is looking good. It's at that awkward stage where you can't really weed cause I didn't mark the rows so I have to wait until everything is up so I can see where it is planted. This is where leaf ID experience comes in handy. I'll keep you posted. I could be blogging every day but I have to get past my low spots first. Now that the reality has set in and we have begun to move on to what we could do next to save some of the summer, I feel a little more hope - or not. It depends. The ever changing news and the photos aren't always positive, but there are things that I'm truly grateful for. Today, I'm really grateful for an office. I loved my at home office, but I don't have a home anymore. God provided me an option - Bill Patrie offered me a space a couple months back, but I choose to stay at home. Now I'm tucked safely in the conference room at 400 West Main, Mandan. It's a beautiful building and the space is cozy and quiet and I love it. And, I'm kinda back home again. There's  Capp on Collins and the people at the post office - and the city folks, but I'll wait until things calm down a bit before I begin my weekly visits. Gotta run, but I'll be back, thanks to each and everyone of you that has donated time and advice in our moment of need... God has a plan, I can see glimpses of it through the tears.

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