Buying an umbrella didn't work. It's raining this morning. I used to love the rain. Now I'm scared of it. As there is water everywhere in this state. A story in the paper this morning confirmed my worst fears... the trees will die a slow and painful death underneath the waters of the Missouri River. The shelterbelt behind our home protecting us from the north wind will be the first to go. I spend time underneath the boughs of those trees, protected and quiet. There is no sound like the sound of the wind through the spruce needles not mention the pheasants and mourning doves that survive our winters in the arms of those trees.
In my dreams I imagine our property without those trees, and it's heartbreaking. We will be exposed on the plains, protected only by the trees that perchance survive on higher ground to the north and west of us. I am so sad today, so very sad about the trees and keep thinking there will be a miracle, could there be a miracle and this water could go away tomorrow and my life could resume some sense of normalcy?
It's like a dream. A confusing dream between realty and our current life which continues around us - as it should.
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