Above zero temps at 6 a.m. is really a treat in February on the northern plains. Someone actually wore short pants to school yesterday. It's wonderful, it's hopeful, it's a delight... but we must keep in mind one thing. It's not time yet. For everything there is a season and this is not the season of spring. This trickery, while at the moment brings pleasure, can do more damage than good if it keeps up. I heard that it was nearly 70 in places in South Dakota. What do you suppose the trees are doing? Or any type of early spring bulb, like crocus? Hmmm, is it time? Time to grow? If it does, if it is fooled by the warm temperatures into thinking its spring, and it begins to get cold and snow again - well, it will surely die.
How nature imitates life... how often are we tricked into believing we should hurry up and do something, fear of a missed opportunity, a missed love, loss of income? When we should just sit back and wait upon the Lord. For all things for good in Him. I read a devotional yesterday that really hit home for me. When life's troubles over take you and you lose hope, you are not taking advantage of God's promise that "Everything's alright." It will always be alright, but sometimes, we just need to wait upon the season.
Okay, I'm itching to plant my seedlings, but first things first.. and that would be back to work.
Get outdoors today and breathe....
Love that reference to waiting on the Lord. His waiting room is often uncomfortable but it is always worth the wait to see what His plan is and how much better His is than mine :o) have a great day Sue.