Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow

What an incredible morning. Yesterday's snowfall coated the ground with fresh white. Last night's full moon popped out from behind the hazy sky sometime after 1:30 a.m. And, no... I did not see the eclipse. The moon was full over head and I would have had to step outdoors to see if I could even see it. So I fell asleep and woke again around 4 a.m. It was brilliant outdoors. And, again at 6 a.m. you could see the dips and shelves of snow from yesterday's snow. If the wind had blown at all, there would be no escaping the house.
But with a few packages to mail and some groceries for our Christmas dinner, I may have to venture out today. It would be a great deal more fun to snow shoe and take pictures, but there's work to be done first.
Everyone is doing last minute wrapping and mailing and preparing for the weekend. I haven't had a new outfit for Christmas for some time now and this year is no exception. That was really fun. When the children were little and in the church program, we had to find them something pretty to wear. Oh, wait, I guess boys just wear new, not pretty, clothes. New clothes. How wonderful is that. Dresses with velvet and lace... shiny shoes... ribbons in the hair.
Now, well, we don't really dress up for church like we used to. But, I am looking forward to services on Friday - candlelight service.
It used to be real candles were lit one from another. There were paper rings to keep the wax from dripping on your hand. The pastor would always warn to not tip the lit candle, but rather the one that didn't have light.
In our family church until the time I joined a church in Bismarck, we sang the same song after the church when dark and the candles were casting shadows about the faces of young and old alike. Silent Night, in German. No doubt they still sing it in my home county. While I can set the scene in my head, I cannot hear the voices clearly. And, I tried, but can't really read the words in German the same way. I sure hope those old traditions don't totally go by the wayside. Many of them have turned to memories. Time to go back to watching the moon for a bit before work. I hope today you have many memories, good memories of Christmas' past. And, check out that moon.

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