Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Windy Weather

The wind is fierce today. It blew all night bringing with it strange dreams. The north side of the house rattled and caused the bedroom furniture to shake. And, yet. We are still here, safe and warm. What a blessing to have a home.
Of course, occasionally I hear something roll by the window. Something that was not put away after the garden season. Something maybe from the flower beds that are filled with objects of art, or so I would say. My spouse may disagree.
Only garlic remains under the soil in the garden. Well, there are few stray onions and beets that took advantage of the beautiful fall weather to turn green before their time. The dill came back here and there which of course prompted me to take advantage of this fresh herb that reminds us of dill pickles and make a great vegetable soup. The remaining carrots were so flavorful and fresh... it has been the year of the carrot for sure.
But today we wait in anticipation of more moisture. Perhaps in the form of snow. Maybe not. The weathermen have been wrong before. My garden beds are waiting for their blankets of white - protection from the elements and future thirst quenching water.
Now, we must turn our thoughts to Thanksgiving. Oh great pumpkins, what marvelous pies you shall become. How delightful, winter is... giving us a chance to stay home and enjoy each others company for the next few months.

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