Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Harvest and fall equinox

Yep, it's a comin'. Woman's Song has come and gone and what a wonderful weekend. The sunsets and sunrises are closing in on shorter days. It's been a busy week or two and I have not had a chance to do the eggplant video yet, but I'm working on it this weekend. We are getting down to the last of the tomatoes and yesterday I put up some pickled peppers... I hope they work. We can eat high off the hog this winter - chickens, beef and lots of veggies put away. Just have to get some flour and we we're ready for a blizzard. Okay. It doesn't have to blizzard, but those days are great for doing nothing with God's blessing.
The pumpkins are orange and I'm thinking pumpkin pie and turkey. In fact, I'm thinking turkey this weekend would be nice. We'd like to have a bonfire, but JC is still recovering from his surgery so we may have to wait a bit longer. There was a high school football game Friday night in a field next to my motel - brought back memories of weekends spent photographing all the things that happened in Mandan and the surrounding area. I miss being part of all that stuff... but I'm enjoying my new relationships with the birds and deer. Of course, I made friends with a few caterpillars yesterday. Boy those little brown and black dudes have a wide black stripe. That means extra long winter. So be prepared, get ready, get those warm clothes out of the closet and set your sights on crisp cold nights snow shoeing or skiing or just walking in the moonlight. Ahhhh, next thing you know, I'll be Christmas shopping. Hmmmm. those extra jars of goodies may come in handy.
Until next time - Gut Essen.

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