Monday, July 20, 2009

Turtle Tour

I promised a turtle tour update, but time has passes so quickly. I thought I would just update us with this great photo. I cropped it because the little girl that took it cut us off. Whoops.

It rained a tiny bit last night and the morning was beautiful. It smelled so wonderful out there, however the garden is next to some tall grass and wow, there are so many mosquitoes. I was so happy that I finally finished the medicine I was taking for my deer tick bite, so I hope I won't be contracting anything else here.

The owl's talking to someone and there's a new bird song out there I haven't figured out what it is yet. My peppers were eaten off this weekend by some unknown entity, the spinach is bolting and the tomatoes are blooming, so are the cucumbers. I'm reading Mark Bittman's book called "Food Matters." It's a great book, easy to read, I would highly recommend it -- it's a save the planet, and lose weight book... I didn't realize this when I purchased it, so bonus.
We are having another farmers market at the Capitol and Chuck Waibel will be present and signing his book on extended season greenhouses on a budget...So, we'll see you there... Aug. 4th. In the meantime, I have many things to do including a day trip to Fargo and then to Bottineau... oh wait, a second chance to shoot Tommy the Turtle on a snowmobile...

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