Monday, May 18, 2009

Warmer weather

That's correct. It was nearly 90 today and there are freeze warnings this evening. What a state we live in. We went out and took photos of the apple blossoms in the field next to our house. They are ornamental apple trees. It's a good thing for auto focus sometimes cause my eye sight isn't what it used to be.
So, in the photo at the top of this page is a close up of the blossoms, but amazingly enough, there's an inchworm at the very tip of the leaf. I did not see it when I took the photo, but wow, afterwards there he was. In the next shot, he appears to be on his way to leap off the leaf. I don't know if he every does, but what a cool shot.
There are many flowers coming back from last years planting. I was surprised at what survived the winter. The things we thought were dead -weren't and vice versa. There have been new birds flying through the back yard and feeding. The Harris Sparrow with his black hood, a Baltimore Oriole (GACKLE HIGH SCHOOL MASCOT), and of course, the yellow finches are here.
It's been a long, long winter and I'm glad spring is finally here. I'm so looking forward to my new garden.

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