Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Knitting and crocheting while skiing

Yes, that's correct. It is one of my favorite things to do when riding in a car to Big Sky. I finished a pair of fingerless gloves, lovely. Made a skinny scarf to match. Bought some yarn in Bozeman at a new yarn shop and made two hats, one luscious neck wrap that can be worn in several ways and ... I think that was it. When I got home I began a rug for the cat... it will be under his litter box in the new bathroom because I just hate to see the litter on the floor. Another time perhaps. Here is a photo of the rug and our cat named Johnny Walker Black for obvious reasons. He jumps into your arms. We will try and get that on tape in the near future. He does it sometimes when you aren't looking. We are trying to train him to do it when we want him to.

The Moon is full or nearly full tonight. The geese are moving overhead like there's no tomorrow. The snow has almost all melted. It's Spring....

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